East West Property Management, LLC, Property Management, Duluth, MN

“After a few years of dealing with bad renters my wife and I decided to try out East West property management and have been very pleased with the services thus far. House was listed very professionally and had quality potential renters applying to rent the house in only a few days of the advertisement. My house was soon rented out in only two weeks and they found us a good tenant. Along with the good service they provide and the stress they save us in not having to worry about the rental is awesome. I highly recommend East West Property Management to anyone looking at having there property managed and filtering out those unwanted crappy renters and to work hard and professionally to maintain your rental. You’ll be in good hands with East West.”

Wonder what your property should rent for?

Here is how the Free Rental Analysis works.

  1. Fill out the form below as detailed as possible
  2. A property management expert will run an analysis of your property to see what it could rent for, no automated programs here.
  3. We will then contact you to discuss your Free Rental Analysis.
  4. You can use this information how you will- No Pressure!


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